Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Blog from a Foster Care Survivor

Found through Yondalla, a very new blog called From the Past into the Future (, described by the author as:

I am a 20-something year old femme lesbian living through life one day at a time, one step at a time. I’m a foster care “survivor”, birthmom, mommy, and so much more wrapped into one person.

I’ve started this blog to share about my journey through foster care, my thoughts on the system, a little about adoption, and some about my every day life.
It's marvelous. If you come here through some other path than an interest in fost/adopt, then especially please go read it. I honestly believe that if more people were aware of these kids who need protection and solace, we wouldn't have a shortage of homes for them anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the suggestion. I will check it out!

    I was not a child in the system...well not really. My parents were foster parents. It is just nice to hear "their side". The stories of the children we all wish to help!
